1. What does preventative healthcare look like within the GNM model?
Preventative healthcare looks like increased awareness of your thoughts, emotions, and reactions to the events of life and understanding how your biology is responding to your state of being.
The sooner you can recognize when you’re in a conflict (cold hands, low appetite, racing thoughts, not sleeping, etc.) and the sooner you can resolve this conflict the fewer symptoms you’ll experience following the conflict resolution.
I believe that healthy eating, frequent exercise, meditation, uplifting relationships, doing what you are passionate about, spending time in nature, getting plenty of sunshine, and other elements of a “healthy” lifestyle help you to stay energetically grounded and emotionally stable.
This stability will allow you to handle the curveballs of life with more grace and it will be easier to return to this balance should you experience a shocking conflict.
2. How does GNM direct how you look at "staying healthy"?
“Staying healthy” is the ability to quickly return to equanimity following a shock.
The longer you are in an active conflict, the greater the tissue adaptation will be.
The greater the tissue adaptation, the more intense the tissue repair phase will be.
People tend to view “health” as the absence of symptoms.
The way to minimize symptoms is to minimize the intensity and length of the conflict active phase.
In reality, the body is always expressing health.
It is profoundly healthy to be able to erode cells, proliferate cells, or lose function in cells while in an active conflict.
It is healthy to be able to restore cells, decompose cells, and regain function during the tissue repair phase.
3. From the GNM perspective, what do you do when you are experiencing a symptom? Say a sore throat? How are you proactive?
When you experience a symptom it is helpful to identify the conflict you experienced and what shifted in your life experience that allowed the conflict to resolve.
This is beneficial information that will help you prevent and downgrade future conflicts more quickly in the future.
After identifying this and becoming aware of how long the conflict was likely active (I was angry for 3 days and woke up in the middle of the night 3 days in a row) you will be able to estimate about how long your restoration phase will last (the restoration will last about 3 days).
The longer and more intense the conflict, the longer and more intense the symptoms will be.
You’ll want to be aware of any potential things that could come up which may cause a reactivation of the original conflict and do your best to minimize triggering a reactivation.
You’ll also want to remain calm and not panic about the symptoms.
Panic or feelings of isolation, abandonment, existence, fear, etc. can cause your body to retain water which will increase the intensity of the symptoms.
Notice how you are reacting to the symptoms and try to be as calm and accepting of them as you can.
You want to give yourself time to rest without pushing or criticizing yourself that you should be doing more or that you don’t have time to be “sick”.
Soothing measures like teas, lozenges, soups, herbs, etc. can be taken to help minimize the intensity of the symptoms and make you feel more comfortable.
4. I imagine this perspective doesn't mean you can treat your body however you like and as long as you stay calm you will be healthy? How do you recommend people support their bodies?
I recommend a lifestyle of frequent exercise, time outdoors, eating real unprocessed foods, sunshine, meditation, journaling, deep breathing, sleep, connection, creative expression, doing things you enjoy, and avoiding toxins as best you can.
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